Thursday, March 1, 2018

How Appollo Inv(i)aded Cyril

The day started with friends teasing for the new clean shave look I had. And probably a shave after a long time should have always welcomed in this kind.

Visiting Apollo hospital was always been a day dream for me. I always wanted to visit after it was branded in recent time.
Never in my dreams I thought this day would be the right day for it. 

You know ''Whatever is destined to happen will happen''
Sadly but gladly Cyril was the victim of my dream.

After the office hours my mind was totally upset as if I was getting a revelation to go PG early.  Without a second thought I rushed to PG to see my room locked giving a lesson that second thoughts are always necessary. 

So the next option is to go get the key from warden or to sit with Cyril in his room and finish remaining office work. 

Cyril welcomed company with a movie.
As the story of movie started getting intense I could witness some changes happening for him. I thought it was all because of the movie.(You know its Cyril watching movie)

But this time I was wrong. It was fever getting intensed for him. 

Half way to climax of movie and work we rushed to a local hospital near by.

I think watching award films would be much better than staring at the queue which is already dead.

But My hero was not in a mood to wait for the queue. Rather he badly wanted to over act fainting to get a chance.
And we even tried a hand but failed to impress the  jury and selecters in the hospital.

And yes it was my turn to fulfil my dream.

The board of Appollo started blinking bright in my thoughts. 

On the other side it was a Danger Alarm for him. 

Appollo welcomed us to the darkness of fear. My Dreams vanished in microseconds.

They guided us to the Emergency room.

We could see patients around struggling with pain.

A Nurse came by us confused about the patient. 
I pointed my finger and said ''he is the patient'' in a trembling voice.

Soon they asked him to lay down. Plugging a clip to his finger, thermometer in his under arm,checking blood pressure, stethoscope and something, something...

I was terrified watching all this dramas around untill I was asked to wait in the waiting area.

As Time passed by I was called inside to see the patient.

I was so stunned to see the makeover they gave him.
A Typical patient struggling in his bed for selfie and a portrait photo for showing the world what kind of makeover attrocity could happen for a patient with primary viral fever in Appollo. However I accepted to do so, since its looked as if he was making his last wish.

What else can I do other than fulfilling the last wishes of the patient.

I couldn't resist myself asking the nurse about his present condition.
She said nothing to worry and he will be alright in few hours. 
But he was ready to spend the whole night.

I think they are the much better jury we have ever seen to rate any melodrama  with a reasonably high score as a 4 digit bill.

I was settling the bill in the counter and suddenly I heard someone chanting my name from behind in a broken voice and it was cyril eagerly calling me know the score. And I know it  would bring a heart attack for him, which may pave way for yet another series.

So I enlightened him the bill amount in a jar of medical reimbursement from office. And he murmured 'God Exists'. With that heartfelt realisation we left to home.

Yes, that was the end of Dreams for us forever.

And yet again I was wrong. 
The token of courtesy was sown under his arm. All he want to do was to dig. He was more than happy to mine a thermometer from his under arm.! A momentum to be cherished for the days to come.

And you know I still believe all this happened is because of my new look. 

Ansar Abdul Azeez Manjiyil

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  • How Appollo Inv(i)aded Cyril The day started with friends teasing for the new clean shave look I had. And probably a shave after a long time should have always welcomed in thi… Read More